Small Business for Small Business

We strive to build lasting relationships with every interaction. Our belief is that America is grounded by small business, and small business is part of what makes the American Dream a reality. At the core of our business, we want to see each and every business we work with thrive. You aren't a number at Adage Design Technologies, we want you to become part of the Adage technology family.

Helping Small Business Grow

Our Vision

We envision a world where small business can compete locally with large corporations and have access to the same technologies and services. Our services will help small businesses feel confident and thrive in their industry and market.

Our Mission

We exist to bring technological excellence to small business in the United States. We achieve this by providing top notch service and top notch business technology.

We hold the following values true in everything we do.

Our core values guide us in how we carry our daily tasks and interact with our co-workers, clients, friends, and family.


We believe in one God and that he is part of the trinity.


Family supports us in everything we do, and we view our personal families and our co-workers as family.


We aim to make everything smooth, but when things don't go as planned we are upfront and honest in every project we work on.


We aren't just a normal run of the mill business. We provide ongoing training and seek to uplift our employees to their best potential.

Meet Hannah


Hannah founded Adage Design Technologies with a passion to help small businesses and startups. After working in small business for over 7 years, she discovered a true passion and ability to find cost effective solutions to solve many business needs. Finding that many small businesses have similar struggles, but unique internal structures that change how a solution can be implemented.

Using years of on the job discovery, Hannah has honed her skills in crafting functional and unique websites with the ability to find cost effective software solutions to fit almost any business need.

Graduating in 2015 from Albion College with a degree in Mass Media Communication and then perusing a formal degree Software Engineering, Hannah is equipped to craft your unique business solution.